Thursday, 12 April 2012

Topic of Choice - Equestrian Acupuncture

For the blog post we have been asked to do on a topic of our choice, I chose to do horse acupuncture. I was recently in a car accident that required me to get physiotherapy, chiropractic work, and acupuncture. I had always been curious about acupuncture, and being an individual that is not scared of needles, I was more than willing to give this method of therapy a try, even if just for the experience. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicinal technique that involves inserting long thin needles into specific points all over the body. As my doctor explained it, the Chinese believe that the human body is a network of connections and electrical circuits that are all interrelated and can become blocked, or there is an incorrect flow of qi through the body's channels. My doctor was treating me for headaches, but put needles on the tops of my feet, the insides of my calves, and the tops of my hands! The feeling of acupuncture is one that is hard to describe. I was shocked at how these thin little needles could produce such a reaction inside my body. The point of the needles are to release endorphins at the insertion site. When I had needles in my back, it was very painful to move or contract the muscles they were in, so one must lie very still. Your muscles get very heavy and stiff while they are in, but this wears off. When my doctor put needles at my temples, I experienced a huge surge of very sharp pain that lasted a few minutes, but also eventually wore off. I do not mean to scare people who are contemplating acupuncture, it was definitely beneficial and a very cool experience. I almost never get headaches anymore, and the pros more than outweigh the cons. I would recommend it to anyone experiencing chronic pain, injuries, or migraines.

So, because of my experience, it got me thinking of animal acupuncture. I have heard that acupuncture on horses is a big up-and-coming industry, as it is a relatively simple way to ease back pain and treat injuries on such large animals. After doing some research on equestrian acupuncture, I have found that there are 5 basic types of acupuncture. There is Simple Needling, which is what I received with the long thin needles. There is Electroacupuncture, which is where the inserted needles are hooked up to an electrical circuit to further stimulate the problem area. There is Moxibustion, which is when a smoldering cigar of herbs is held above the acupuncture site until the heat becomes uncomfortable, it is removed for a short time, then reapplied. Another is laser stimulation, which is self explanatory, and the last method is Point Injection, where a liquid is injected into the site (usually a vitamin solution). This form of acupuncture provides longer term relief (Horse & Rider, 1999).

Healthy Veterinary Alternatives (2012). Retrieved April 12, 2012 from
Horse acupuncture is a very detailed process, and explaining it all would far exceed the 4 paragraph limit. But in short, most horses whose owners seek this form of therapy have chronic pain or are suffering from an injury. Most vets recommend acupuncture only after other methods of rehabilitation have been tried and proved to be unsuccessful, as acupuncture is expensive and not many vets are qualified to do it. This method is mainly beneficial for horses whose tissue is constantly becoming more and more damaged with injuries such as a bowed tendon or laminitis, and in these cases acupuncture can be used along with other conventional treatments. Some owners of prestigious race horses have acupuncture done on their animals. This is done usually for the reason of relieving tension in the horse's back, where the needles are inserted alongside either side of the spine, and in other major muscle groups. The Stone Willow Veterinary Services are one organization that provide acupuncture on horses in Alberta.

This is a horse getting Electroacupuncture. De Qi Holistics (2012). Retrieved April 12, 2012 from

Horse acupuncture is a very cool technique that is slowly becoming more and more popular among veterinarians. Something I would personally be concerned about if I were ever to have acupuncture done on my own horse ties back to that immense discomfort I felt when I got the needles in my back. The heavy sensation along with a sharp pain if the muscle group was moved even slightly would probably frighten most horses, and could end up doing more harm than good. Research about this has shown that most horses are not at all bothered by the needles, and become very relaxed even. Perhaps high strung horses are sedated before given the acupuncture. I hope that this is an area of medicine I can further explore if I get accepted into vet school (fingers crossed!).

Equisecrets (2012). Retrieved April 12, 2012 from

I will internally link to Hayley Kosolofski's blog, simply because she also loves horses and did her Wikipedia article on an topic pertaining to them :)


Hayes, K. (1999, February). Equine Acupuncture: Is it for your horse? Horse and Rider.

Reflective Post

"We have to make our own blog, reallllllyyyyyy?" was my first thought when my professor said that one of the main components of ALES 204 would be to create a personal e-portfolio. My thoughts about blogs before this course were not exactly what one would call optimistic. I thought bloggers were mainly people who were far too opinionated and pretentious, and from the few blogs I had read I was not too excited about this task. Little did I know, there is a whole world of blogs tailored to my personal tastes and interests, and I have definitely increased my knowledge on multiple topics. Before this course, which is more or less a communications course, I was not aware of how truly naive I was about social media and the like. I personally think awareness is key in any situation, and I'm glad that even if I may not be an active user of some of the websites we were required to sign up for, at least I now know something about them. I had never even heard of, but it's strange how once you have been introduced to something you never paid attention to before, it seems to pop up in your daily life all the time. I see the Blogger logo in commercials and advertisements, and now it's more to me than an orange blob that never registered in my brain!

One of the most beneficial aspects of this course in my opinion was getting students used to navigating and understanding Despite how much some people try to resist it, we have to accept that a technologically based future is inevitable. A frequent comment I hear is "Oh this social media. People are going to forget how to actually communicate in person and will just sit side by side and text each other." First of all, let's not be overly dramatic. Newer and younger generations may be fully immersed in technology and social media sites with their smart phones and ipads and kindles and what have you, but technology has so much relevance and importance in today and the future that such a cultural shift from string-and-tin-cup communication is necessary. Although most of the students (myself included) grumbled and whined about having to browse around twitter and follow people related to their field and tweet critically analytical responses to presentations or papers, being made to do such things has honestly only benefited me. The veterinarian I chose to follow on twitter tweets vet tips and facts all the time, and who knows if one day just being exposed to these tweets will help me gain entrance into vet school! If I was not required to put my thinking cap on and actually mull over topics and then talk about them in a tweet or blog post, I would still be in the dark about so many topics and events; an unfortunate fate. The list is endless on what I now know thanks to ALES 204! How to create a professional Facebook page, what a CV is, what SOPA is, what a pecha kucha is, links to making a good resume, what old journals looked like and how to use the library system. Endless I tell you!

                                       The Free Press (2012). Retrieved April 10, 2012 from

The picture I chose to post may seem a bit out of place, but never fear, I have a reason for it. The Stop Kony 2012 movement may just be one of the first awareness campaigns that literally took the WORLD by storm. The video for Kony 2012 was posted on the evening of March 6th, and on the morning of March 7th, it had hundreds of thousands of views, likes, and shares. This got me thinking of how truly powerful social media is. This video would of not reached into as many parts of the world as it did in such a short amount of time if it was not for sites such as Facebook and Twitter. These sites have enabled the creators and participants of Invisible Children to share their message with millions of people in literally 2 days. That is amazing! I now follow Jason Russell on Twitter, and would never of been exposed to his constant updates if I had not been required to sign up for an account because of ALES 204.

The point of this post was to be critically reflective about what I have learned in the (incredibly!) short 3 months of this course. I really enjoyed how ALES 204 forced me to expand horizons that I otherwise would have never explored. Many people critique social media sites and the so-called communication barriers they have built, but I LOVE them. And not simply because they are a great source of entertainment/distraction from studying, but because I love seeing people connect and share ideas and thoughts and pictures and videos. Connecting with a person via a social media site in places like Dubai and South Africa have only made me a more cultured person who understands more about traditions and customs in other places. They have not turned me into a hibernating troll with no social skills. I also really enjoyed that this course made me stop being so lazy and actually put together a respectable resume, which I have used on several occasions thus far. Personally, I did not see the benefit behind some of the activities we had to do during the lecture, but I can understand the intended motivation behind them from a teacher's perspective. Overall, I am a far more knowledgable person about many different things than I was before this class, and I have furthered my critical thinking skills by realizing I should not be so gullible and should mull over what I read and develop an opinion and do research on said topic before coming to an ultimate decision.

I'm choosing to internally link to Marney Steadman's Blog, because we seem to have come to some of the same realizations about critical thinking :)

links to my 5 comments: